LCM calculator

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Least common multiple calculator

Least common multiple calculator

The least common multiple (LCM) is a mathematical indicator that a student needs to know in order to work effectively with fractions. NOC is studied as part of the secondary school curriculum, and, despite the apparent complexity of the material, this topic will not cause problems for a student who knows the multiplication table and knows how to work with degrees.

LCM definition

Before starting to get acquainted with the LCM, it is necessary to understand its broader concept - we are talking about the definition of the term "common multiple" and its role in practical calculations.

A common multiple of several numbers is a natural number that can be divided by each of these numbers without a remainder. In other words, a common multiple of a series of integers is any integer that is divisible by each of the numbers in the given series.

In our case, we'll focus on common multiples of integers, none of which equals zero.

As for the number of natural numbers, in relation to which we can apply the concept of "common multiple", then there can be two, three, four or more of them in a series.

The most popular of the common multiples is the least common multiple - the LCM is the positive value of the smallest common multiple of all the numbers in the series.

NOC Examples

From the definition of the least common multiple and its mathematical essence, it follows that several numbers always have an LCM.

The shortest form for the least common multiple is:

  • a1, a2, ..., ak of the form LCM (a1, a2, ..., ak).

In addition, in some sources you can find the following form of writing:

  • a1, a2, ..., ak of the form [a1, a2, ..., ak].

To demonstrate an example, let's take the LCM of two integers: 4 and 5. The resulting expression will look like this:

  • LCM(4, 5) = 20.

If we take the LCM for the following four numbers: 3, −9, 5, −15, we get the notation:

  • LCM(3, −9, 5, −15) = 45.

Even the simplest writing examples show that finding the least common multiple for a group of numbers is far from easy, and the process of finding it can be quite complicated. There are special algorithms and techniques that are actively used when calculating the least common multiple.

How LCM and GCD are related

A value known in mathematical calculations, called the least common divisor (hereinafter referred to as GCD), is associated with LCM through the following theorem: “the least common multiple (LCM) of two positive integers a and b is equal to the product of numbers a and b divided by to the greatest common divisor (gcd) of a and b".

You can describe this theorem using a mathematical expression as follows:

  • LCD (a, b) = a ⋅ b / GCD (a, b).

As a proof of this theorem, we present some mathematical research.

Let's say m is a certain multiple of a and b. Accordingly, m is divisible by a, and, by the definition of divisibility, there is some integer k, with which we can write the equality:

  • m = a ⋅ k.

But, we also know that m is also divisible by b, so a ⋅ k is also divisible by b.

We will use the symbol d to denote the expression GCD (a, b). So we can write equality using expressions:

  • a = a1 ⋅ d,
  • b = b1 ⋅ d.


  • a1 = a / d,
  • b1 = b / d,

where a1 and b1 are relatively prime numbers.

The condition obtained above that a ⋅ k is divisible by b allows us to write the following expression: a1 ⋅ d ⋅ k is divisible by b1 ⋅ d, and this, in accordance with the properties of divisibility, is equivalent to the condition that a1 ⋅ k is divisible by b1 .

Therefore, according to the properties of coprime numbers, since a1 ⋅ k is divisible by b1, and a1 is not divisible by b1 (a1 and b1 are coprime numbers), then k must be divisible by b1. In this case, we must have some integer t for which the expression is true:

  • k = b1 ⋅ t,

and since

  • b1 = b / d,


  • k = b / d ⋅ t.

Substituting into the expression

  • m = a ⋅ k

instead of k its expression is b / d ⋅ t, we arrive at the final equality:

  • m = a ⋅ b / d ⋅ t.

So we got an equality that specifies the form of all common multiples of a and b. Since a and b are positive numbers by the condition, then for t = 1 we get their least positive common multiple, which is equal to a ⋅ b / d.

Thus, we have proved that

  • LCD (a, b) = a ⋅ b / GCD (a, b).

Knowing the basic provisions and rules associated with LCM helps to better understand its practical significance in mathematics, and also allows you to actively use it as an applied unit in calculations in which knowledge of the LCM value is a prerequisite.

How to find the least common multiple (LCM)

How to find the least common multiple (LCM)

One of the first questions that arise when studying the least common multiple (LCM): what is its practical meaning, and how can it be useful in mathematical calculations?

Of course, in a science like mathematics, there are no useless functions, each of them is necessary for carrying out any specific calculations. NOC is no exception.

Where LCM applies

Most often, LCM is used in calculations that require fractions to be reduced to a common denominator. This action is found in examples and tasks of most school programs. As a rule, this is educational material within the framework of high school.

In addition, the LCM can act as a common divisor for all multiples, if these conditions are present in the problem provided for solution.

In practice, there are problems in which there is a need to find a multiple not only of two numbers, but also of a much larger number of them - three, five ... The greater the number of numbers in the initial conditions, the more actions we have to perform in the process of solving the problem. The good news is that the complexity of the solution will not increase in this case. Only the scale of calculations will change.

Methods of finding the LCM

First way

As an example, let's calculate the least common multiple of the numbers 250, 600 and 1500.

Let's start by factoring the numbers:

  • 250 = 2 ⋅ 5 ⋅ 5 ⋅ 5 = 2¹ ⋅ 5³.

In this example, we have factorized without reduction.

Next, we perform similar actions with the rest of the numbers:

  • 600 = 2 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 3 ⋅ 5 ⋅ 5 = 2³ ⋅ 3¹ ⋅ 5².
  • 1500 = 2 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 3 ⋅ 5 ⋅ 5 ⋅ 5 = 2² ⋅ 3¹ ⋅ 5³.

To compose an expression, it is necessary to designate all the factors, in our case it is 2, 3, 5 - for these numbers, you will need to determine the maximum degree.

LCM = 3000.

It should be noted that all multipliers must be brought to their full simplification. If possible, decompose to the level of unambiguous.

Next, we check:

  • 3000 / 250 = 12 is correct;
  • 3000 / 600 = 5 is correct;
  • 3000 / 1500 = 2 is correct.

The advantage of this method of calculating the LCM is its simplicity - such a calculation does not require special skills and high knowledge in mathematics.

Second way

Many mathematical calculations can be simplified by taking advantage of the ability to carry them out in several steps. The same goes for calculating the least common multiple.

The method we'll look at below works for both single-digit and double-digit examples.

For a simpler and more visual representation of the process, we need to create a table in which the following values will be entered:

  • to columns - multiplicand;
  • to lines — multiplier.

The cells at the intersection will contain the values of the products of the multiplicand and the multiplier. For those who do not like to work with tables, there is a simpler form of writing - in a line in which the results of our number are written to integers from one to infinity. In some cases, it is enough to write down 3-5 points. The remaining numbers are subject to a similar calculation process. This action is carried out until a common multiple is found, the smallest for all values.

Find the common multiple of the numbers 30, 35 and 42:

  • Find multiples of 30: 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 250, ...
  • Find multiples of 35: 70, 105, 140, 175, 210, 245, ...
  • Find multiples of 42: 84, 126, 168, 210, 252, ...

We got three rows of numbers that differ from each other, however, in each row there is the same number - 210. It is this number that is the least common multiple for the given numbers.

We looked at the simplest ways to calculate the least common multiple of a series of numbers. There are other special algorithms, they may have some differences in the calculation process, while the result of the calculation will be the same. In addition, you can now find a large number of online calculators on the net that allow you to find the least common multiple (LCM) without a cumbersome self-calculation.